Principles of protection of personal data

Dear customer,
we need your personal data in order to process your order. The security of your data and the processing thereof in a legal way are our first priority. Here you will learn, how we process your personal data and how we shall secure them.
  1. Who are we?
    Your personal data is processed by an entrepreneur Karol Prudil, natural person entrepreneur registered at the Bratislava District Office, reg. No. 110-216681, with registered office at Pluhová 931/45, 831 03 Bratislava, company registration number: 46 773 461 tel. No. + 421 907 51 01 41, e-mail: (hereinafter referred to as the "Controller").
  2. What personal data do we process?
    To process your order and to meet all related legal obligations, we process your personal data using the following information: title, name, surname, permanent address, billing information, order data, bank account number, payment data, telephone number and e-mail.
    Purchase contracts
    In order to conclude a purchase contract with you outside on-line shop, we process your personal data using the following information: title, name, surname, permanent address, billing information, order data, bank account number, payment data, telephone number and e-mail.
    In order to send you information about products and services and to turn to you with a market research, we process your personal data using the following information: name, surname and e-mail. We also process cookies with your consent.
    Loyalty programme
    In order for you to be registered in our loyalty programme, we process your personal data using the following information: title, name, surname, permanent address, order data, payment data, information about benefits acquired, telephone number and e-mail.
    For bookkeeping purposes, we process your personal data using the following information: title, name, surname, address and type of residence, bank account number, payment data, telephone number and e-mail.
  3. For what purpose do we process your personal data?
    We process your personal data in order to conclude a contract through the Internet and to perform the contract, especially to receive and register an order, to handle the order, to dispatch goods, to issue an accounting document, to resolve withdrawal from the contract and possible complaint.
    Purchase contracts
    We process your personal data in order to conclude a purchase contract also outside the on-line shop.
    Marketing communication
    We process your personal data in order to take care of the customer, to provide information about products and services and market research, by means of a selected method of communication. We process your personal data for this purpose only with your consent.
    With your consent, we process cookies in order to improve services, analytics and remarketing.
    Loyalty programme
    We process your personal data due to your participation in loyalty programme, especially for registration in the loyalty programme, collection of data on orders and payments, collection of data on benefits acquired and the use thereof.
    We process your personal data to keep the books and to fulfil all related legal obligations.
  4. How can you grant us your consent?
    You can grant us your consent to the processing of all of your personal data by clicking a relevant checkbox or by competing a declaration.
  5. How can you withdraw your consent?
    You can withdraw the consent to the processing of personal data, which you have granted to us, any time. You can withdraw the consent by
    • sending a notice to the following e-mail address;
    • sending a notice by post to the following address: Karol Prudil, Pluhová 931/45, 831 03 Bratislava;
    • by means of a contact form at
  6. To whom do we provide your data?
    Under a special law, we provide your personal data to tax authority.
    Under an intermediation contract concluded in compliance with GDPR, we provide your personal data to an external accountant and agents, who take care of the proper functioning of our e-shop and of the implementation of advertising campaigns.
  7. For how long do we store your personal data?
    1. Accounting documents are stored for the period of 10 years.
    2. Purchase contracts concluded through the on-line shop and outside it are stored for the period of the order and for the time necessary to exercise rights or to make complaints.
    3. Marketing documents are stored for a period for which you granted us your consent, or for a shorter period until withdrawal of the consent. If no consent for a specific period has been granted, personal data is processed until the purpose, based on which we have acquired the consent, ends.
    4. Loyalty programme documents are stored for a period for which a person concerned uses the loyalty programme. If you ask for exclusion from the loyalty programme, we shall delete your personal data.
  8. Where do we transfer your personal data?
    We do not transfer your personal data to any third country.
  9. Are you not satisfied?
    If you are not satisfied with how we process your personal data, you can inform us about it at You can also lodge a complaint at the Office for Personal Data Protection, if you believe that we process your personal data unlawfully.
  10. How do we process your personal data?
    We process your personal data in electronic and paper form. We do not use any means of automated individual decision-making. We process your personal data in the following software and on-line applications:
    1. website administration software
    2. Adobe InDesign
    3. MS Office
    4. Google services
  11. How do we ensure protection of your personal data?
    The security of your personal data is our first priority. In order to secure protection of your personal data, we have adopted necessary technical and organisational measures. Personal data are processed on computers secured by password. PCs are protected by anti-virus software. The website used to operate the on-line shop is secured by SSL certificate.
  12. What rights do you have?
    1. Right of access to data
      You have the right to know whether we process your personal data. If we process the data, you can ask us for access to the data. Based on your request, we shall issue a confirmation containing the information about the processing of your personal data by our company.
    2. Right of rectification
      You have the right to require that your personal data, which we process, is correct, complete and current. If your personal data is incorrect or outdated, you can ask us for correction or supplementation.
    3. Right of erasure
      Under certain circumstances, you can ask us to erase your personal data. You can ask us to erase your personal data any time. We shall erase your personal data if
      • we do not need your personal data for the purpose for which you have provided us with the data;
      • you withdraw your consent;
      • you object the processing of your personal data;
      • we process your personal data unlawfully;
      • personal data must be erased in order to fulfil a legal obligation;
      • if you are a child, or a parent of a child, who consented to the processing of personal data over the Internet;
    4. Right to restriction of processing
      You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data. If we accept your request, we shall only store your personal data and we shall not use it any more. The processing of your data shall take place if
      • you inform us that your personal data is incorrect until we verify that it is correct;
      • we process your personal data unlawfully, however you do not agree with the erasure of the data and instead you want us to only restrict the processing of your personal data;
      • we do not need your data any more, but you need it to prove, exercise or defend your rights;
      • object to the processing of your personal data until we verify whether our legitimate interests outweigh your reasons.
    5. Right to data portability
      You have the right to request us to provide you with your personal data in electronic form (e.g. XML or CSV file), which will make it easy for you to transfer the data to other company. You can also ask us to transfer your personal data to a selected company. We shall comply with your request in case your personal data has been provided to us directly by you and you have granted us your consent to process the data.
    6. Right to object
      You have the right to object that we process your personal data. If we process your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, you can object to the processing of the data any time. We shall erase your personal data based on your objection. If we process your personal data in the following cases:
      • in order to fulfil duties in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers,
      • because of our legitimate interest,
      • creating a customer profile,
      you can object to the processing of the data, if you have personal reasons to do so.
  13. How can you exercise these rights?
    You can send us your request in one of the following ways:
    • sending a notice to the following e-mail address;
    • sending or handing over a notice by post to the following address: Karol Prudil, Pluhová 931/45, 831 03 Bratislava
    • by means of a contact form at
    We shall deal with all your requests and we shall inform you of the outcome in the way you submitted your request.
  14. Final provisions
    These principles of protection of personal data enter into force on 25 May 2018. We reserve the right to change these principles if there is a change in the processing of personal data in our company.
produced by: JUDr. Barbora Hambalek Lániková
Lanikova Group, s.r.o.
advokátska kancelária


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