Lined A5 a A6
160 pages of lined paper notebook with 6,5 milimeter spacing,
inconspicuous light-gray lines, with a name tag on the front pastedown.
Dotted A5
160 pages of dotted paper notebook with 5 × 5 milimeter spaces between dots; with a name tag
on the front pastedown; best and most practical version of a squared face.
Blank A4; A5; A6; A6-landscape; A7
160 pages of high quality blank paper of a smooth creamy colour;
with a name tag on the front pastedown.
A5 Weekly Personal Organizer
Estimate: p. 1 Introduction; p. 2–3 overview calendar; p. 4–7 planning calendar;
p. 8–115 weekly calendar - organized in rows with days in English and marked holidays in Slovakia;
a double page overview of the upcoming month before each new month;
p. 150–151 overview calendar of the next year; p. 152–160 blank pages for drawing and other memories.
A6 Weekly Calendar
Estimate: p. 1 Introduction of the year; p. 2–3 overview calendar of the year; p. 4–7 planning calendar;
p. 8–115 weekly calendar - organizer in columns with days in English and marked holidays in Slovakia;
p. 116–117 overview calendar of the next year; p. 118–160 blank pages for drawing and other memories.
A5 Daily Calendar
Estimate: p. 1 Introduction of the year; p. 2–3 overview calendar of the year; p. 4–7 planning calendar; p. 8–331 daily calendar - organizer - every work-day on a single page; weekend on a single page together;
p. 332–333 overview calendar of the next year;
A5 Nedatovaný diár remini
Veľkosť A5; 192 strán; 18 mesiacov, týždenné usporiadanie; Dni vľavo, vpravo voľné miesto;
Prehľadový kalendár 2021-2026; plánovací kalendár pre 18 mesiacov; Sprehľadňujúce bodkovanie.
Ak určitý čas nezapisujete, šetríte tým dvojstrany a nadviažete, kde ste skončili.
A6 Small hiking diary LESIMPLE-remini
128 pages, 32 hikes of 4 pages each, each hike includes space for: Hike name, Stamp or Illustration, Date, Route, Elevation, Duration, Highest point, Weather, Participants, Statement of the day and a chart to record elevation up to 3000m altitude.