Bratislava, SR

He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (2021), and as an undergraduate he also completed study stays at Politecnico di Milano and La Salle in Barcelona. As a student, he illustrated children's books by the Vojvodinian author Zoroslav Jesensky, Ide T-Rex (2016) and Zo života blasch (2019), as well as by the Vojvodinian author Maria Kotváš-Jonášová, Otec rytier, mama draračica (2017). He is currently collaborating with several Slovak authors - Peter Karpinski (he illustrated his fairy tale book About the Little Cosmonaut from 2021 and the online comic The Hitchhiker's Guide to Slovakia from 2021), Dávid Dziak (Come to the Fairy Tale from 2021) and debutant Bianka Sielnikova (Na pawku od Mesiaca from 2023). For the prestigious Slovak literary prize Anasoft litera she is preparing comic drawings in the project Nenamotaj sa. He regularly contributes pictures about the life of Johan the Frog to the web portal of the Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice, Books within Reach. One of them is the illustration on the cover of the Remini notebook.


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